District Leader: Lola Gearin
Upcoming Events
Come celebrate Independence Day with us as we thank God for our freedom and take time to reflect on God's goodness.
Free hotdogs, snacks and water as supplies last!
July 2, 11 am - 2 pm
@ Dunkins on 9th Street in Trenton, MO
Next Women On Mission NGRBA meeting: 10 am Tuesday, July 18th, 2022, at the NGRBA Bookstore in Trenton, MO.
About Our NGBRA's Women on Mission Group
Women on Mission is a missions discipleship group designed to equip adult women in becoming active disciples of Christ as they live on mission for Him. Women on Mission members seek to live out missions through missions projects, ministries, prayer, giving, and Bible study. The purpose of the organization is to provide every person with the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.
Through Women on Mission, we:
- Learn about missions around the world and in North America
- Pray for the nations to hear of God’s love and for the missionaries who serve Him
- Give to missions offerings and through the Cooperative Program
- Do missions by sharing Christ with others
Monthly Meetings
North Grand River Baptist Association's Women On Mission group currently meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10 am in the back of the NGRBA Bookstore in Trenton, Missouri. All Women On Mission group members from any of the 18 churches within our association are welcome to attend. Check the monthly Encourager newsletter for meeting-specific details.
(Meeting date and time subject to change.)
Ongoing Ministry Opportunities
Gift Bags for Local Inmates - Items needed: Stamps, envelopes, pencils, gallon Ziplock bags, monetary donations to purchase New Testaments (we can save money by purchasing them by the case). Donations may be dropped off at the NGRBA Bookstore. Thank you!
WMU’s Organization, History & Resources
In 1889, a handful of women dedicated to the cause of missions founded the Woman's Missionary Union (WMU). Since that time, WMU has become the largest Protestant missions organization for women in the world, with a membership of approximately 1 million people. From the beginning, WMU's main purpose has been to educate and involve women and girls of all ages in the cause of Christian missions.
WMU offers mission discipleship resources for all ages designed to help us make disciples of Jesus who live on mission:
- Preschool
- Mission Friends
- Children
- Girls in Action
- Royal Ambassadors
- Children in Action
- Students
- Acteens
- Challengers
- Youth on Mission
- Adults
- Women on Mission
- Adults on Mission
- myMission
- Churchwide
- Churchwide Missions
- Families on Mission
- Monthly Play & Learn Activity Sheets
- Monthly Family Missions Focus Activity Sheets
The National WMU receives no funds from the Cooperative Program allocation budget, the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, or the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. The National WMU is supported through the sale of magazines, products, and investments.
The North Grand River Baptist Association has a strong heritage of WMU leadership stepping forward by praying, giving, being involved, and teaching others about missions.